The master 2 S2C (previouly nammed M2 crystallization) is a pluridisciplinary formation based on fundamental and applied knowledges applied to the CRYSTALLIZATION processes.
These ones are crucial for separation or purification steps of for the production of materials with controlled and optimized properties in many application fields : Pharmaceutical industry, fine Chemistry, Optical materials, Mineral Chemistry, cosmetic, semiconductors,...)
Thanks to specific insights in solid-state characterizations and to thermodynamics combined with kinetic approaches, graduate students will be able to undertand, rationalize and optimize crystallization processes.
The Master 2 year is delivered fully in english, to welcome students and teachers from other countries.
List of proposed courses
- Master 1 Chemistry (great part delivered in french) : semesters 1 and 2
- Master 2 Solid-State and Crystallization (S²C) speciality : semesters 3 et 4
After the Master 2 S²C....
Since this Master is led by researchers, the main exit for students is to continue their studies as PhD students in France or in Europe, in a research lab or in collaboration with industry.
Some former students found postitions in industry due to their specific knowledges learned during the Master 2 year reinforced by their experience of six months of training period.
Sept 2022 : Openning of the Master 2 Solid-State and Crystallization S2C with 8 students + 2 extra students (following a part of the program)
2021-2022 : The educational team works on a new version of this M2 speciality: delivered in english and more focussed on the solid-state chemistry
July 2021 : 4th class of graduated students (6) : 2 are already engaged in a PhD program
July 2020 : 3rd classe of grduated students (6) : 4 are recruited in an academic PhD program
July 2019 : 2nd class of graduated students (8) : 4 are recruited in an academic PhD program
July 2018 : first class of graduated students (6) : 5/6 obtained grants for PhD (industry or academic)
Sept 2017, creation of the speciality Cristallisation in the Master 2 chemistry, Univeristy of Rouen