* Courses delivered in English, in red : warmly recommended choices for the integration in Master 2 Solid-state and Crystallization
Semester 1 :
UE 1 : Fundamentals in chemistry : 4 choices among 5 proposition (4 x 6 ECTS, 4x 60h)
Choice 1 : Organic chemistry *
Choice 2 : Physico chemistry of polymers
Choice 3 : Analytical chemistry
Choice 4 : Chemistry of inorganic solids *
Choice 5 : Physico chemistry and technology (electrochemistry and theoretical chemistry).
UE 2 : Scientific and societal issues, sustainable development : 2 choices among 3 ( 2x1 ECTS, 2x10h)
Choice 1 : Chemistry for living and health
Choice 2 : Chemistry and energy
Choice 3 : Chemistry and sustainable development
UE 3 : Transversal skills (2x20h), 4 ECTS
Professional project
Semester 2 :
UE 1 : Specialization (12 ECTS, 120h) : 1 choice among 4 propositions
Choice 1 : Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic and organic crystallized materials *
Fundamentals of crystallization *
Choice 2 : Polymer Chemistry
Polymer materials
Natural macromolecules and applications
Choice 3 : Organic chemistry
Synthesis methodology
Strategies in organic chemistry
Choice 4 : Analytical chemistry
Spectroscopic methods
Mass spectroscopy and modelling
UE 2 : Personalization : 2 choices among 8 propositions (2x6 ECTS, 2x60h)
Choice 1 : Inorganic and organic crystallized materials *
Choice 2 : Fundamentals of crystallization *
Choice 3 : Polymer materials
Choice 4 : Natural macromolecules and applications
Choice 5 : Synthesis methodology
Choice 6 : Strategies in organic chemistry
Choice 7 : Spectroscopic methods
Choice 8 : Mass spectroscopy and modelling
UE 3 : Bibliographic project and training period (6 ECTS)
Bibliographic project
Training period (8 weeks)
► Once your Master 1 validated, you can be accepted into the Master 2 Solid-State and Crystallization (S²C) program