Supervisor Dr. Valérie Peulon-Agasse
Research Activities of team “chromatography”
The research themes for the team of Chromatography (leader: Dr. V. PEULON-AGASSE) within the SMS laboratory focused on the elaboration of stationary phases for chromatography and the study of the mechanisms of chiral recognition supported by a double skill in organic chemistry and analytical chemistry. Furthermore, the team developed an expertise in comprehensive gas chromatography allowing developing methods of analysis of trace compounds in various matrices. The team “Chromatography” concentrated its research activities in the miniaturization of the systems more particularly in gas chromatography. The research themes developed by the team:
- Elaboration of a new sol-gel process for the preparation of stationary phases dedicated to gas chromatography allowing the incorporation of macrocyclic compounds and ionic liquids.
- Development of new synthetic technique for design of performant stationary phases for liquid chromatography.
- Development of a new method (Convex hull) to determine the separation space used and to optimize operating conditions for comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC´GC).
- Development and study of a reversed fill flow modulator for comprehensive GC´GC.
- Surface treatment development on Microelectromechanical System columns and Nanoelectromechanical System detectors.
In october 2016, the team is constituted of 7 permanent members (4 lecturers and 3 technical persons of the lab) and 6 PhD students, 2 engineers and one non-permanent teacher.