SMS laboratory takes part to the "institut Carnot I2C de Normandie"

For more information, click an the logos below

Industrial Partners

-IMCHEM, Versailles (78), France. Company specialized in selling consumable for HPLC and GC.

-INTERCHIM, Montluçon (03), France, Company specialized in selling consumable for HPLC and GC.

-APIXtechnology  Grenoble (38), France. µ-GC Manufacturer.

-IPSEN, Dreux (28), France. Pharmaceutical company.

-JANSSEN, Val de Reuil (27), France. Pharmaceutical company.

-ORIL INDUSTRIE, Bolbec (76), France. Pharmaceutical company.

-PHARMASYNTHESE-INABATA, St Pierre les Elbeuf (76). France. Pharmaceutical company.

-SEQENS, Porcheville-Limay (78), Aramon (30), Villeneuve la Garenne (92), France. Fine chemistry and API production.

-FAREVA LA VALLEE, Saint Germain Laprade (43), France. Pharmaceutical company.

-TOTAL RAFFINAGE, Courbevoie (92), France. Company specialized in oil refining.

-SCRD, Le Havre (76), France. Company specialized in tannery and vegetal dyes.

-HOLOPHARM, Evreux (27), France. Company specialized in analytical development and formulation.. 

-NOVARTIS, Bâle, Suisse. Pharmaceutical company.

-GALDERMA, Alby-sur-Chéran (74), France. Pharmaceutical company specialized in dermatology.

-NUTRISET, Malaunay (76), France. Production of specific nutritional foods. 

-DSM nutritional products, Kaiseraugst, Suisse. Company specialized in nutrional foods, health and sustainable living.

-ZACH SYSTEM (groupe Zambon), Avrillé (49), France. Pharmaceutical company.

-Laboratoires URGO,Chenôve (21), France. Specialist in medical treatment of wounds.

-SYNGENTA, Bracknell, Royaume-Uni. Chemical and food industry company. 

-ASTRA ZENECA, Cambridge, Royaume Uni. Pharmaceutical company.

-PMC ISOCHEM, Vert le Petit (91), France. Fine chemistry and API production. 

-BIO-PROJET, Saint Grégoire (35), France. Pharmaceutical company.

Academic collaborations

See academic collaborations on a map on HAL interface

-University of Coimbra, chemistry department, Coimbra, Portugal.

-University Martin Luther Halle-Wittenberg, Center for Engineering Science, Thermal Process Engineering, Halle, Allemagne.

-University of Manchester, School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, Manchester, Royaume-Uni.

-University of technology of Suranaree, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thaïlande.

-University of Kyoto, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto, Japon.

- Polytechnical University of Catalogne, Barcelone, Espagne.

-University of Bruxelles, Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères, Bruxelles, Belgique.

-University of Paris Descartes, Faculté de Pharmacie, Paris, France.

-University of Bordeaux I, Laboratoire LOMA, Talence, France.

-University of Namur, Département de Chimie, Namur, Belgique.

-Laboratory AMME-LECAP, Université de Rouen, Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray (76), France.

-Laboratory LCMT, ENSICAEN, Caen (14), France.

-Laboratory ICOA, Université d’Orléans, France.

-Laboratory ISA, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France.

-Laboratory d’Analyses physicochimiques, Faculté de pharmacie, Université de Turin, Italie.

-Laboratory Peptides, Glycoconjugués et Métaux en Biologie, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.

-Laboratory LETIAM, IUT d’Orsay, France.

- Le LATMOS, UMR CNRS 8190, Université de Versailles, Saint Quentin en Yvelines, France.

- Laboratory EPLG, Genève, Suisse.

- C2RMF, Laboratoire des musées de France, Paris, France.

- Laboratoire CRISMAT, UMR 6508, Université de Caen, France

- Crystallography Dept., Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia

- Institut de Ciencia de Material de Barcelona, Espagne

- IMM solid state chemistry, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

-Laboratoire de Chromatographie du département Chimie Organique, Faculté de chimie, l’Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene (USTHB) Alger, Algerie.

- Groupe MVBV, Institut de Chimie de Nice, UMR 7272 Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis / CNRS

Parc Valrose, Nice, France.