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RIETVELD Ivo 44 y.o. +33 3(0)6 61 21 59 61 |
Laboratoire SMS |
PhD Thesis
'Physical chemical properties of Poly(propylene imine) dendrimers in solution, Prof. Dick Bedeaux, 12 October 2000, Leiden University (NL)
Utrecht University (NL)
Work Experience
- 2000 Post-doctoral research on electrospray of water, Technical University of Delft, Delft, NL
- 2001-2002 Post-doctoral research on the efficiency of dendrimer encapsulation of photo-excited porphyrins, used for in vivo oxygen determination in blood and tissue, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
- 2003 – 2007 Research associate on the production of thin films by means of electrospray. Thin film production of polymers, photoresist, and pentacene was investigated for technological and electronic applications in collaboration with a consortium of Japanese companies, University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
- Since september 2007, assistant professor at University Paris Descartes,
- Research: chemical and physical stability of drugs, phase behavior of drug mixtures and drug polymorphism, thermal analysis, thermal analysis under pressure, crystal structure resolution by X-ray powder diffraction, phase diagram calculations and prediction, topological phase diagrams (see also publication list).
- Teaching: thermodynamics, atomistic theory, inorganic chemistry, reaction kinetics and redox reactions for first and second year pharmacy students, acid-base reactions and pH and organic chemistry for first year pharmacy students, design and development of second year course of physical chemistry for pharmacy students, research supervision of graduate and undergraduate students in pharmaceutical sciences.
- HDR from the University Paris Descartes (FR), 9 November 2010 on the ‘Influence of pressure on the stability of molecular solids’.
Rietveld I.B., Kim E., Vinogradov S.A.
Dendrimers with tetrabenzoporphyrin cores: near infrared phosphors for in vivo oxygen imaging, Tetrahedron 2003, 59, 3821-3831 -
Rietveld I. B., Bedeaux D.
Self-diffusion of poly(propylene imine) dendrimers in methanol
Macromolecules, 2000, 33, 7912-7917 -
Martín F. Desimone, Christophe Hélary, Ivo B. Rietveld, Isabelle Bataille, Gervaise Mosser, Marie-Madeleine Giraud-Guille, Jacques Livage, Thibaud Coradin
Silica-collagen bionanocomposites as three-dimensional scaffolds for fibroblast immobilization, Acta Biomaterialia 2010, 6, 3998-4004 -
Rietveld I. B., Smit J. A. M.
Colligative and viscosity properties of poly(propylene imine) dendrimers in methanol
Macromolecules 1999, 32, 4608-4614 -
Rietveld I.B., Kobayashi K., Yamada H., Matsushige K.
Electrospray deposition, model and experiment; towards general control of film morphology
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2006, 110, 23351-23364 -
Dichtel, W.R., Baek, K.-Y., Fréchet, J.M.J, Rietveld, I.B., Vinogradov, S.A.
Amphiphilic Diblock Star Polymer Catalysts via Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
Journal of Polymer Science A 2006, 44, 4939-4951 -
Rietveld I.B., Kobayashi K., Yamada H., Matsushige K.
Morphology control of poly(vinylidene fluoride) thin film made with electrospray
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2006, 298(2), 639-651 -
Rietveld I.B., Bouwman W.G., Baars M.W.P.L., Heenan R.K.
Location of the outer shell and influence of pH on carboxylic acid-functionalized poly(propylene imine) dendrimers.
Macromolecules 2001, 34, 8380-8383 -
Desimone, Martin; Hélary, Christophe; Quignard, Sandrine; Rietveld, Ivo; Bataille, Isabelle; Copello, Guillermo; Mosser, Gervaise; Giraud-Guille, Marie-Madeleine; Livage, Jacques; Meddahi-Pelle, Anne; Coradin, Thibaud
In Vitro Studies and Preliminary In Vivo Evaluation of Silicified Concentrated Collagen Hydrogels, Applied Materials & Interfaces 2011, 3, 3831–3838 - Maria Barrio, Elisabetta Maccaroni, Ivo B. Rietveld, Luciana Malpezzi, Norberto Masciocchi, René Céolin, Josep-Lluís TamaritPressure-temperature state diagram for the phase relationships between benfluorex hydrochloride forms I and II : A case of enantiotropic behaviorJournal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2012, 101(3), 1073-1078
Symposium Participation
I.B. Rietveld, Siro Toscani, René Céolin, Maria Barrio, Josep-Lluis Tamarit
The stability hierarchy of trimorphic piracetam solved through high-pressure analysis
54th Congress of the European High-Pressure Research Group (EHPRG)
September 2016, Bayreuth, Germany -
Conference Organizer/Conference Chair (I.B. Rietveld)
Conference on Phase Equilibria
Forty-second Joint European days on Equilibrium between Phases (JEEP 2016)
March 2016, Paris, France -
I.B. Rietveld (keynote speaker, invited)
Putting pressure on resolving phase relationships between polymorphs of pharmaceuticals
International Conference on high pressure science and technology (AIRAPT-25 & EHPRG-53) 31/08-04/09 2015, Madrid, Spain -
I.B. Rietveld, Béatrice Nicolaï
A phase diagram of a trimorphic system obtained by superposition of dimorphic diagrams
Forty-first Joint European days on Equilibrium between Phases (JEEP 2015)
March 2015, Coimbra, Portugal -
I.B. Rietveld, Caner U. Yurteri
Stable Glassy Thin Films of Paracetamol by Electrospray Deposition
Condensed Matter in Paris (JMC 14, CMD 25)
August 2014, Paris, France -
I.B. Rietveld
Stability of crystalline polymorphs using statistical information on Volume change
Sixteenth International Workshop on Physical Characterization of Pharmaceutical Solids
(IWPCPS-16), June 2014, Prague, Czech Republic -
I.B. Rietveld, M. Barrio, R. Céolin, J.-Ll. Tamarit
Plastic Phases under Pressure, the Case Succinonitrile
Fortieth Joint European days on Equilibrium between Phases (JEEP 2014),
March 2014, Lyon, France -
I.B. Rietveld (invited), B. Nicolaï, M.-A. Perrin, R. Céolin
Characterization of pharmaceutical glassy solid dispersions by means of differential scanning calorimetry and high-resolution X-ray diffraction: the case cefuroxime axetil/copovidone
7th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (7th IDMRCS) 21-26 July 2013, Barcelona, Spain -
M.A. Perrin, M. Bauer, M. Barrio, J.-Ll. Tamarit, R. Céolin, I.B. Rietveld
Rimonabant Dimorphism: A difficult case of overall Monotropy
Fifteenth International Workshop on Physical Characterization of Pharmaceutical Solids
(IWPCPS-15), June 2013, Philadelphia, USA -
I.B. Rietveld (invited)
The role of pressure in the determination of the stability hierarchy of crystalline polymorphs
Closing Conference Interreg IV A – 2seas IDEA Project “Improving Drugs Efficacy and Availability” 20-21 June 2013, Lille, France -
M.A. Perrin, M. Bauer, M. Barrio, J.-Ll. Tamarit, R. Céolin, I.B. Rietveld
Rimonabant Dimorphism, Much Ado About Almost Nothing
Thirty-ninth Joint European days on Equilibrium between Phases (JEEP 2013),
March 2013, Nancy, France -
J.-Ll.Tamarit, R. Céolin, M. Barrio, I.B. Rietveld (presented by J-Ll Tamarit, invited)
The Road Map of Polymorphism : Pressure-Temperature Phase Diagram
Fourteenth International Workshop on Physical Characterization of Pharmaceutical Solids
(IWPCPS-14), June 2012, Barcelona Spain -
R. Céolin, J.-Ll.Tamarit, M. Barrio, I.B. Rietveld (presented by R. Céolin, invited)
Influence of Pressure on the Stability of Co-crystals and other Molecular Binary Compounds
Fourteenth International Workshop on Physical Characterization of Pharmaceutical Solids
(IWPCPS-14), June 2012, Barcelona Spain -
I.B. Rietveld, M. Barrio, J.-Ll.Tamarit, B. Do, R. Céolin
A new way of enantiomer resolution: pressure, the thermodynamic pathway
XXXVIIIes Journées d’étude des équilibres entre phases, March 2012, Rouen, France - I.B. Rietveld, M. Barrio, B. Nicolaï, N. Mahe, B. Do, R. Ceolin, J.-Ll. Tamarit Dimorphic L-Tyrosine EthylEster: crystal structure of Phase II and Pressure-Temperature diagram from high-pressure differential thermal analysis and topological inferences XXXVIIes Journées d’études des équilibres entre phases, March 2011, St Avold, France
Scientific Skills
Thermal Analysis (DSC – TG-DSC) – Implementation
Thermal Analysis (DSC – TG-DSC) – Interpretation
Phase Diagram - Experimental Determination
Heterogeneous Equilibria
Microscopy (optical, electronic)
Crystal Structure Resolution by XRPD
Particle Size Distribution evaluation (Malvern PSD)
Spectroscopy (Raman, Infra-rouge, UV-vis, fluorescence)
NMR spectroscopy
Solid-vapour equilibria (DVS)
Spray drying
Thin films (drop casting, spin-coating)
Surface Analysis AFM
Solid-state characterization (polymorphism, solvates, cocrystals, solid-solid transition)