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Dr. Morgane SANSELME
02 35 52 24 30 |
Laboratoire SMS |
- 2004: PhD in solid chemistry : “syntheses and characterizations of hybrid compounds with iron” – University of Versailles, supervisor: Pr. G. Ferey.
- 2004: PhD in solid chemistry (with high honor): “syntheses and characterizations of hybrid compounds with iron” – University of Versailles, supervisor: Pr. G. Ferey.
- 2000: Master in solid chemistry, Universities of Versailles, Paris-sud XI, Paris VI
- 2006 – today : Research engineer in material characterization , Normandie Université , université de Rouen, UFR des Sciences, Lab SMS EA3233 (Director : Pr. G. Coquerel)
- 2005-2006: Lecturer, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (team CMI dir : Pr. P. Rozier in CEMES Toulouse)
- 2001- 2003 : Lecturer, Université de Versailles-Saint Quentin en Yvelines (Institut Lavoisier, director : Pr. G. Ferey)
h-index : 11 (publish or perish4-google scolar source)
48 publications on refereed journals, 1 patent
492 citations
Spotting Conglomerates by Second Harmonic Generation; Arnaud Galland, Valerie Dupray, Benjamin Berton, Sandrine Morin-Grognet, Morgane Sanselme, Hassan Atmani and Gerard Coquerel ; Crystal Growth & Design, 2009, 9 (6), pp 2713–2718; http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/cg801356m
New and Expeditious Tandem Sequence Aza-Michael/Intramolecular Nucleophilic Substitution Route to Substituted γ-Lactams: Synthesis of the Tricyclic Core of (±)-Martinellines; Sebastien Comesse, Morgane Sanselme and Adam Dach; J. Org. Chem., 2008, 73 (14), pp 5566–5569; http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jo702752w
Preparative resolution of (±)-trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane by means of preferential crystallization of its citrate monohydrate ; Arnaud Galland, Valerie Dupray, Anaïs Lafontaine, Benjamin Berton, Morgane Sanselme, Hassan Atmani, Gérard Coquerel; Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, Volume 21, Issue 18, 27 September 2010, pp 2212-2217; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tetasy.2010.07.019
Spotting a Conglomerate Is Just Halfway to Achieving a Preparative Resolution by Preferential Crystallization; Silvia Gonella , Julien Mahieux , Morgane Sanselme , and Gérard Coquerel; Org. Process Res. Dev., 2012, 16 (2), pp 286–293; http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/op200092f
Crystal structure of a hybrid salt–cocrystal and its resolution by preferential crystallization : ((±)trans-N,N′-dibenzyldiaminocyclohexane)(2,3-dichlorophenylacetic acid)4; Julien Mahieux , Silvia Gonella , Morgane Sanselme and Gérard Coquerel; CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 103-111; http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2011/ce/c1ce05484h/unauth#!divAbstract
Physical transformations of the active pharmaceutical ingredient BN83495: enantiotropic and monotropic relationships. Access to several polymorphic forms by using various solvation–desolvation processes; D. Martins, M. Sanselme, O. Houssin, V. Dupray, M. N. Petit, D. Pasquier, C. Diolez and G. Coquerel; CrystEngComm, 2012,14, 2507-2519 ; http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2012/ce/c2ce06537a#!divAbstract
Characterization of the transition between the monohydrate and the anhydrous citric acid; A. Lafontaine, M. Sanselme, Y. Cartigny, P. Cardinael, G. Coquerel; Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2013, 112, Issue 1, pp 307-315; http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10973-012-2798-0
Access to Single Crystals of (±)-Form IV of Modafinil by Crystallization in Gels. Comparisons between (±)-Forms I, III, and IV and (−)-Form I; Julien Mahieux, Morgane Sanselme, and Gerard Coquerel; Crystal Growth & Design, 2013, 13 (2), pp 908–917; http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/cg301630d
Detection of order-disorder transition in organic solids by using temperature resolved second harmonic generation (TR-SHG); S. Clevers, C. Rougeot, F. Simon, M. Sanselme, V. Dupray, G. Coquerel; Journal of Molecular Structure, 2014, 1078, pp61-67; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.molstruc.2014.04.007
Naproxen–Nicotinamide Cocrystals: Racemic and Conglomerate Structures Generated by CO2 Antisolvent Crystallization; Clémence Neurohr, Mathieu Marchivie, Sophie Lecomte, Yohann Cartigny, Nicolas Couvrat, Morgane Sanselme, and Pascale Subra-Paternault ; Cryst. Growth Des., 2015, 15 (9), pp 4616–4626 ; http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.cgd.5b00876
Access to Several Polymorphic Forms of (±)-Modafinil by Using Various Solvation–Desolvation Processes; Julien Mahieux, Morgane Sanselme, and Gerard Coquerel; Cryst. Growth Des., 2016, 16 (1), pp 396–405; http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.cgd.5b01384